Results for 'Hristo A. Ganchev'

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  1. Naşterea lui Iisus Hristos.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Creștinii sărbătoresc nașterea lui Isus Hristos de către Fecioara Maria ca o împlinire a profeției mesianice din Vechiul Testament. Biblia conține două povestiri care descriu evenimentele din jurul nașterii lui Isus. În funcție de perspectiva fiecăruia, aceste povestiri sunt fie diferite una de cealaltă, fie spun două versiuni ale aceleiași narație. Aceste povestiri biblice se găsesc în Evanghelia după Matei, și anume Matei 01:18, și Evanghelia lui Luca, în special Luca 01:26 și 02:40. Conform acestor povestiri, Isus a fost născut (...)
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  2. Socrate, Platon şi Aristotel – „creştini înainte de Hristos”?Apostolache Ionita - 2020 - Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):102-124.
    Socrates, Plato and Aristotle – “Christians before Christ”? -/- The compatibility of ideas and metaphysical concepts, from Antic Philosophy to Christian Apologetic and Patristic Theology from the fist ages gather together many important and commune elements. In the study below, we have try to demonstrate that the most important philosopher of the antic world where “Christians before Christ”. Their ideas about soul, virtue, metaphysic existence and the entity of a single God comes to meet the Holy Gospel of Christ. Starting (...)
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  3. Semnificaţia teologică a Paştelui.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Noul Testament leagă Cina cea de taină și crucificarea lui Iisus de Paștele evreiesc și exodul din Egipt. Iisus s-a pregătit pe el însuși și pe discipolii săi pentru moartea sa în timpul Cinei, dând mesei de Paștele evreiesc un nou înțeles. El a identificat pâinea și cupa de vin ca simbolizând corpul său care va fi sacrificat curând și sângele său care urma să fie vărsat. În Prima Epistolă către Corinteni a Sfântului Apostol Pavel, Capitolul 5, el spune: “Curățiți (...)
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  4. Paşti (Paşte) - Cea mai importantă sărbătoare creştină.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2015 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Paştele este cea mai importantă sărbătoare religioasă din anul liturgic creştin. Creştinii cred că Iisus a fost înviat după trei zile de la crucificarea sa. Multe denominaţii creştine celebrează învierea sa în Ziua de Paşti sau Duminica Paştelui (denumită şi Ziua Învierii sau Duminica Învierii), la două zile după Sfânta Vineri. Orice altă sărbătoare religioasă din calendarul ortodox, inclusiv Crăciunul, este mai puţin importantă faţă de celebrarea Învierii lui Iisus Hristos. Acest lucru se reflectă în bogate obiceiuri pascale în ţările (...)
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  5. MISCELLANEA APOLOGETICĂ. Dialogul dintre Teologie şi Filosofie.Apostolache Ionita - 2024 - Craiova: Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Omul a căutat dintotdeauna să descopere în viața sa chintesența elementelor existențiale. Adunate laolaltă ca un imens puzzle cosmologic, întrebările Filosofiei au avut cel puțin capacitatea revelatoare a marilor problematizări în ascendența omului de la imanent la transcendent. Prima etapă notabilă în atingerea acestei performanțe îi este negreșit tributată „Filosofiei”, socotită de Platon drept „cea mai mare artă”. Mai concis, pornind de la termenul de artă (gr. μουσικη – lumea muzelor), ni se arată în mod inspirat că „Filosofia este cea (...)
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  6. Cerbul si Licorna. Psihanaliza fenomenului religios [EN: The Deer and The Unicorn. Psychoanalysis of The Religious Phenomenon].Alexandru Canda - 2022 - Targu Lapus: Galaxia Gutenberg.
    Una din gravurile Lambsprinck – Cerb și Licornă în pădure (De lapide philosophico figurae et emblemata, 1625) – prezintă întâlnirea alegorică dintre cerb și licornă ca simboluri alchimice ale sufletului și ale spiritului. Aceste simboluri se descoperă nu doar ca arhetipuri revelatoare pentru psihanaliza jungiană, ci și ca perspective esențiale și complementare de abordare fenomenologică a suferindului: psihoterapeutică și spirituală. Asemeni lui Iov care e scufundat cu sens în suferință și răzbire, și bolnavului îi trebuie asociat un sens al suferinței (...)
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  7. Ortodoxia rusă între politică și evanghelie.Stan Petrescu - 2022 - Intelligence Info 1 (1):80-92.
    Creștinismul reprezintă una din cele trei mari religii monoteiste ale lumii ca număr de aderenți, aflându-se cu mult înaintea iudaismului și islamului, născându-se, istoricește vorbind, în prima jumătate a secolului I, când un mic grup de evrei palestinieni l-au identificat pe Mesia cu nimeni altul decât Isus Hristos din Nazaret. De-a lungul a două milenii de existență, creștinismul a evoluat și s-a extins în lume pe spații largi fiind, totodată, însoțit de stări de tensiune, crize, războaie religioase, schisme și conflicte (...)
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  8. Dialogul Creştino-Islamic.Ioan Filimon - 2013 - Altarul Reîntregirii 1 (3):325-334.
    Dialogul interreligios constituie o parte importantă a preocupărilor din timpurile noastre. Lucrarea de faţă încearcă să arate că dintru început, creştinii urmând imperativul Mântuitorului Hristos: „iubeşte pe aproapele tău ca pe tine însuţi”, au fost obligaţi să se afle în dialog cu oameni de alte convingeri religioase, dând mărturie despre conştiinţa de sine şi despre speranţele lor. Astfel, de-a lungul istoriei creştinii dezvoltă dialoguri interreligioase monoteiste cu islamul şi cu iudaismul. Creştinii s-a întâlnit cu Islamul şi a dialogat cu el (...)
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  9. Rolul Educaţiei Religioase În Formarea Personalităţii Umane.Nicolae Chira - 2015 - In Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur – Model de Dascăl Creştin. Bacău: Editura Casei Corpului Didactic. pp. 148-160.
    Educaţia religioasă îşi asumă rolul de călăuzitor către drumul cunoaşterii şi asemănării cu Dumnezeu, căutând ca Evanghelia lui Hristos să devină dreptarul vieţii prin îndreptarea voinţei şi aspiraţiilor numai spre înfăptuirea binelui şi a virtuţii, cultivarea conştiinţei, a demnităţii omului şi a valorilor sale unice.
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  10. Crăciunul - Obiceiuri și tradiții.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2016 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Crăciunul este un festival anual de comemorare a nașterii lui Isus Hristos, datat în general la 25 decembrie ca o sărbătoare religioasă şi culturală celebrată de miliarde de oameni din întreaga lume. Sărbătoare centrală a anului liturgic creștin, Crăciunul închide sezonul Advent și inițiază cele douăsprezece zile ale Crăciunului, care se încheie după noapte a doisprezecea. Crăciunul este o sărbătoare legală în multe națiuni ale lumii, este sărbătorită cultural de un număr mare de oameni foști sau non-creștini, și este o (...)
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  11. Întunericul Luminos.Apostolache Ionița - 2019 - Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Taina sufletului omenesc, cuprins de setea după Dumnezeu și așezat în duhul rugăciunii, poartă întru sine o multitudine de valențe și trăiri duhovnicești, aproape cu neputință de exprimat în cuvinte. Cel zidit după „chipul lui Dumnezeu” Îl caută totdeauna pe Cel ce-i este cu adevărat Părinte (Abuno). Sfântul Apostol Pavel zugrăvește în cuvinte omenești Taina cea nepătrunsă de cuvânt a Cuvântului: „Cunosc un om în Hristos, care acum paisprezece ani – fie în trup, nu știu; fie în afară de trup, (...)
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  12. The Epistemology of Interpersonal Relations.Matthew A. Benton - 2024 - Noûs:1-20.
    What is it to know someone? Epistemologists rarely take up this question, though recent developments make such inquiry possible and desirable. This paper advances an account of how such interpersonal knowledge goes beyond mere propositional and qualitative knowledge about someone, giving a central place to second-personal treatment. It examines what such knowledge requires, and what makes it distinctive within epistemology as well as socially. It assesses its theoretic value for several issues in moral psychology, epistemic injustice, and philosophy of mind. (...)
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  13. Knowledge and God.Matthew A. Benton - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines a main theme in religious epistemology, namely, the possibility of knowledge of God. Most often philosophers consider the rationality or justification of propositional belief about God, particularly beliefs about the existence and nature of God; and they will assess the conditions under which, if there is a God, such propositional beliefs would be knowledge, particularly in light of counter-evidence or the availability of religious disagreement. This book surveys such familiar areas, then turns toward newer and less-developed terrain: (...)
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  14. Empathy & Literature.A. E. Denham - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (2):84-95.
    There is a long tradition in philosophy and literary theory defending the view that engagement with literature promotes readers’ empathy. Until the last century, few of the empirical claims adduced in that tradition were investigated experimentally. Recent work in psychology and neuropsychology has now shed new light on the interplay of empathy and literature. This article surveys the experimental findings, addressing three central questions: What is it to read empathically? Does reading make us more empathic? What characteristics of literature, if (...)
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  15. Philosophy and neuroscience on consciousness – response to Felipe León and Dan Zahavi.Tobias A. Wagner-Altendorf - 2023 - Acta Neurochirurgica 165:3583-3584.
    León and Zahavi (2023) have made a compelling case for the necessity of philosophy — and not only neuroscience — for investigating consciousness. In particular, they argue that any theory of consciousness cannot avoid philosophical enquiry and thus only can choose between good or bad philosophy. Also, the topics of self-consciousness and selfhood are highlighted as problems of consciousness sui generis next to the mind–body problem. I will try to elucidate a bit more the specific approaches to consciousness that philosophy (...)
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  16. Habitually Breaking Habits.Joshua A. Bergamin - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
    In this paper, I explore the question of agency in spontaneous action via a phenomenology of musical improvisation, drawing on fieldwork conducted with large con- temporary improvising ensembles. I argue that musical improvisation is a form of ‘participatory sense-making’ in which musical decisions unfold via a feedback pro- cess with the evolving musical situation itself. I describe how musicians’ technical expertise is developed alongside a responsive expertise, and how these capacities complicate the sense in which habitual action can be viewed (...)
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  17. Meta-Metaphysics, Constructivism, and Psychology as Queen of the Sciences.James A. Mollison - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-10.
    Remhof contends that Nietzsche is a metaphysician. According to his Meta-Metaphysical Argument, Nietzsche’s texts satisfy the criteria for an adequate conception of metaphysics. According to his Constructivist Argument, Nietzsche adopts a metaphysical position on which concepts’ application conditions constitute the identity conditions of their objects. This article critically appraises these arguments. I maintain that the criteria advanced in the Meta-Metaphysical Argument are collectively insufficient for delineating metaphysics as a distinct field of inquiry and that the Constructivist Argument attributes a position (...)
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  18. Zombie Nationalism: The Sexual Politics of White Evangelical Christian Nihilism.Jason A. Springs - 2023 - In Atalia Omer & Joshua Lupo (eds.), Religion, Populism, and Modernity: Confronting White Christian Nationalism and Racism. University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 51-99.
    Despite their purported demographic and institutional decline, White evangelical voters were instrumental in the election of Donald Trump in 2016, and even more so in his 2020 loss. The story of Trump’s electoral successes among Christian voters in the last two elections is in large part the story of religious nationalism—and White Christian nationalism in particular—because Trump personifies the convergence of nationalism-infused forms of messianism and apocalypticism intrinsic to White evangelicalism, which culminate in QAnon cultic ideology. However, these same ethnoreligious/nationalist (...)
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  19. (4 other versions)Concatenated quantum gravity papers 1.Paul Merriam & M. A. Z. Habeeb - manuscript
    The first purpose of this series of articles is to introduce case studies on how current AI models can be used in the development of a possible theory of quantum gravity, their limitations, and the role the researcher has in steering the development in the right direction, even highlighting the errors, weaknesses and strengths of the whole process. The second is to introduce the new Presentist Fragmentalist ontology as a framework and use it for developing theories of quantum gravity and (...)
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  20. Improving Numerical Performance in Grade-7 Students through Effective Remedial Instruction.Pearl Marie A. Legal & Gregorio A. Legal - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 2 (1):1-20.
    This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of remedial instruction in improving the numeracy skills of Grade 7 students at Malbug National High School during the school year 2023-2024. Adopting a quasi-experimental research design, the research focused on Grade 7 students at Malbug National High School, Cawayan East District, Masbate Province Division, Philippines, identified as non-numerates, employing pre-tests and post-tests as essential research tools. The independent variable was the remedial instruction in numeracy, while the dependent variable was students' numeracy performance (...)
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  21. (2 other versions)The Presentist Fragmentalist Theory of Quantum Gravity: FCQG.P. Merriam & M. A. Z. Habeeb - manuscript
    Presentist Fragmentalism is a novel interpretation of quantum mechanics. This paper develops the resulting theory of Quantum Gravity.
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  22. Timelines: Short Essays and Verse in the Philosophy of Time.Edward A. Francisco - 2024 - Morrisville, North Carolina: Lulu Press.
    Timelines is an inquiry into the nature of time, both as an apparent feature of the external physical world and as a fundamental feature of our experience of ourselves in the world. The principal argument of Timelines is that our coventional ideas about time are largely mistaken and that what we think of as independent physical time is actually our calibration of a certain relation between events. Namely, the relation between time-keeping events and the causal sequential differences of physical processes (...)
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  23. Being moved.Florian Cova & Julien A. Deonna - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (3):447-466.
    In this paper, we argue that, barring a few important exceptions, the phenomenon we refer to using the expression “being moved” is a distinct type of emotion. In this paper’s first section, we motivate this hypothesis by reflecting on our linguistic use of this expression. In section two, pursuing a methodology that is both conceptual and empirical, we try to show that the phenomenon satisfies the five most commonly used criteria in philosophy and psychology for thinking that some affective episode (...)
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  24. Staging an encounter between anthropology and philosophy: Hits and misses in the work of Michael Jackson.James K. A. Smith - 2017 - Reviews in Anthropology 46 (4):151-163.
    This review essay assesses Michael Jackson’s ongoing project of staging an encounter between anthropology and philosophy in two books: Lifeworlds (2013) and As Wide as the World Is Wise (2016). Considering his philosophical enrichment of ethnographic theory and method, this essay addresses foundational questions about the prospects and practices of interdisciplinary engagement. It also suggests future avenues for continued dialogue between philosophy and anthropology.
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  25. Self-Assembling Networks.Jeffrey A. Barrett, Brian Skyrms & Aydin Mohseni - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (1):1-25.
    We consider how an epistemic network might self-assemble from the ritualization of the individual decisions of simple heterogeneous agents. In such evolved social networks, inquirers may be significantly more successful than they could be investigating nature on their own. The evolved network may also dramatically lower the epistemic risk faced by even the most talented inquirers. We consider networks that self-assemble in the context of both perfect and imperfect communication and compare the behaviour of inquirers in each. This provides a (...)
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  26. Globalization and Transformation : State, Ideas, and Economic Policy in Bangladesh.A. S. M. Mostafizur Rahman - 2024 - Dissertation, Heidelberg University
    Understanding the policymaking process in an emerging economy in the global south, such as Bangladesh, holds significant importance. The country's remarkable socio-economic development, once the most impoverished in the region, has been facilitated by post-globalization economic transformation. While the literature on institutional change has predominantly focused on states in industrialist countries, this dissertation presents an innovative theoretical approach. It deeply explores primary case materials to illustrate how the state engages in policy evolution in a developing country's gradual shift from the (...)
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  27. Interspecies Love Beyond the Field Guide: Mine-Detection Dogs and their Handlers on the Leningrad Front.X. A. Cherkaev & E. N. Tipikina - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (3):159-185.
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  28. Frankfurt cases: the fine-grained response revisited.Justin A. Capes & Philip Swenson - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (4):967-981.
    Frankfurt cases are supposed to provide us with counterexamples to the principle of alternative possibilities. Among the most well known responses to these cases is what John Fischer has dubbed the flicker of freedom strategy. Here we revisit a version of this strategy, which we refer to as the fine-grained response. Although a number of philosophers, including some who are otherwise unsympathetic to Frankfurt’s argument, have dismissed the fine grained response, we believe there is a good deal to be said (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Intensity and the Sublime: Paying Attention to Self and Environment in Nature Sports.Leslie A. Howe - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (1):1-13.
    This paper responds to Kevin Krein’s claim in that the particular value of nature sports over traditional ones is that they offer intensity of sport experience in dynamic interaction between an athlete and natural features. He denies that this intensity is derived from competitive conflict of individuals and denies that nature sport derives its value from internal conflict within the athlete who carries out the activity. This paper responds directly to Krein by analysing ‘intensity’ in sport in terms of the (...)
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  30. Being-in-the-flow: expert coping as beyond both thought and automaticity.Joshua A. Bergamin - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):403-424.
    Hubert Dreyfus argues that explicit thought disrupts smooth coping at both the level of everyday tasks and of highly-refined skills. However, Barbara Montero criticises Dreyfus for extending what she calls the ‘principle of automaticity’ from our everyday actions to those of trained experts. In this paper, I defend Dreyfus’ account while refining his phenomenology. I examine the phenomenology of what I call ‘esoteric’ expertise to argue that the explicit thought Montero invokes belongs rather to ‘gaps’ between or above moments of (...)
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  31. Nostalgia.S. A. Howard - 2012 - Analysis 72 (4):641-650.
    Next SectionThis article argues against two dominant accounts of the nature of nostalgia. These views assume that nostalgia depends, in some way, on comparing a present situation with a past one. However, neither does justice to the full range of recognizably nostalgic experiences available to us – in particular, ‘Proustian’ nostalgia directed at involuntary autobiographical memories. Therefore, the accounts in question fail. I conclude by considering an evaluative puzzle raised by Proustian nostalgia when it is directed at memories that the (...)
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  32. Geist, Materie, Menschenbild : Implikationen panpsychistischer Konzeptionen in der Philosophie des Geistes für wesentliche Aspekte des menschlichen Selbstverständnisses.Tobias A. Wagner-Altendorf - 2024 - Dissertation, Munich School of Philosophy
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  33. Sellars and Pretense on "Truth & 'Correspondence'".Bradley Armour-Garb & James A. Woodbridge - 2012 - Discusiones Filosóficas 13 (21):33-63.
    In this paper, we show how an internal tension in Wilfrid Sellars’s understanding of truth, as well as an external tension in his account of meaning attribution, can be resolved while adhering to a Sellarsian spirit, by appealing to the particular fictionalist accounts of truth-talk and proposition-talk that we have developed elsewhere.
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  34. Kant and the Discipline of Reason.Brian A. Chance - 2015 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):87-110.
    Kant's notion of ‘discipline’ has received considerable attention from scholars of his philosophy of education, but its role in his theoretical philosophy has been largely ignored. This omission is surprising since his discussion of discipline in the first Critique is not only more extensive and expansive in scope than his other discussions but also predates them. The goal of this essay is to provide a comprehensive reading of the Discipline that emphasizes its systematic importance in the first Critique. I argue (...)
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  35. Kantian Non-evidentialism and its German Antecedents: Crusius, Meier, and Basedow.Brian A. Chance - 2019 - Kantian Review 3 (24):359-384.
    This article aims to highlight the extent to which Kant’s account of belief draws on the views of his contemporaries. Situating the non-evidentialist features of Crusius’s account of belief within his broader account, I argue that they include antecedents to both Kant’s distinction between pragmatic and moral belief and his conception of a postulate of pure practical reason. While moving us closer to Kant’s arguments for the first postulate, however, both Crusius’s and Meier’s arguments for the immortality of the soul (...)
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  36. The Moral Self and Moral Duties.Jim A. C. Everett, Joshua August Skorburg & Julian Savulescu - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology (7):1-22.
    Recent research has begun treating the perennial philosophical question, “what makes a person the same over time?” as an empirical question. A long tradition in philosophy holds that psychological continuity and connectedness of memories are at the heart of personal identity. More recent experimental work, following Strohminger & Nichols (2014), has suggested that persistence of moral character, more than memories, is perceived as essential for personal identity. While there is a growing body of evidence supporting these findings, a critique by (...)
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  37. Tyrannized Souls: Plato's Depiction of the ‘Tyrannical Man’.Mark A. Johnstone - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (3):423-437.
    In book 9 of Plato's Republic, Socrates describes the nature and origins of the ‘tyrannical man’, whose soul is said to be ‘like’ a tyrannical city. In this paper, I examine the nature of the ‘government’ that exists within the tyrannical man's soul. I begin by demonstrating the inadequacy of three potentially attractive views sometimes found in the literature on Plato: the view that the tyrannical man's soul is ruled by his ‘lawless’ unnecessary appetites, the view that it is ruled (...)
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  38. Artificially Geistige: A Hegelian Perspective on the Developing History of AI.A. Zachman - manuscript
    Modern philosophy can often appear to be mere cryptomnesia, redressed and resuited to fit the particular mouth from which it is espoused. This notion is but a sorrowful chimera binding the 21st-century mind to the confines of an eternal shadow, an eternal prison of doubt in the face of limitless potential. As a species, we are rapidly approaching the precipice of Yahweh's original position as instantiators of consciousness, as the I AM in relation to our artificial progeny. Could one fabricate (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Nietzsche on Morality and the Affirmation of Life by Daniel Came (ed.). [REVIEW]James A. Mollison - 2024 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 55 (1):110-116.
    Daniel Came's most recent edited collection features original essays from leading figures in the field. As most of its chapters are well-written and well-argued, it will interest Nietzsche scholars generally. It's difficult to narrow the volume's intended audience much further than this, however. The source of this difficulty is not merely titular, though one wonders what aspects of Nietzsche's philosophy could not plausibly be yoked under the dual headings of "morality" and "life affirmation." Rather, the difficulty stems from a shortcoming (...)
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  40. Scepticism and the Development of the Transcendental Dialectic.Brian A. Chance - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (2):311-331.
    Kant's response to scepticism in the Critique of Pure Reason is complex and remarkably nuanced, although it is rarely recognized as such. In this paper, I argue that recent attempts to flesh out the details of this response by Paul Guyer and Michael Forster do not go far enough. Although they are right to draw a distinction between Humean and Pyrrhonian scepticism and locate Kant's response to the latter in the Transcendental Dialectic, their accounts fail to capture two important aspects (...)
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  41. Sensibilism, Psychologism, and Kant's Debt to Hume.Brian A. Chance - 2011 - Kantian Review 16 (3):325-349.
    Hume’s account of causation is often regarded a challenge Kant must overcome if the Critical philosophy is to be successful. But from Kant’s time to the present, Hume’s denial of our ability to cognize supersensible objects, a denial that relies heavily on his account of causation, has also been regarded as a forerunner to Kant’s critique of metaphysics. After identifying reasons for rejecting Wayne Waxman’s recent account of Kant’s debt to Hume, I present my own, more modest account of this (...)
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  42. Epistemic Closure and Skepticism.John A. Barker & Fred Adams - 2010 - Logos and Episteme 1 (2):221-246.
    Closure is the epistemological thesis that if S knows that P and knows that P implies Q, then if S infers that Q, S knows that Q. Fred Dretske acknowledges that closure is plausible but contends that it should be rejected because it conflicts with the plausible thesis: Conclusive reasons (CR): S knows that P only if S believes P on the basis of conclusive reasons, i.e., reasons S wouldn‘t have if it weren‘t the case that P. Dretske develops an (...)
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  43. Genome Informatics: The Role of DNA in Cellular Computations.James A. Shapiro - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (3):288-301.
    Cells are cognitive entities possessing great computational power. DNA serves as a multivalent information storage medium for these computations at various time scales. Information is stored in sequences, epigenetic modifications, and rapidly changing nucleoprotein complexes. Because DNA must operate through complexes formed with other molecules in the cell, genome functions are inherently interactive and involve two-way communication with various cellular compartments. Both coding sequences and repetitive sequences contribute to the hierarchical systemic organization of the genome. By virtue of nucleoprotein complexes, (...)
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  44. Developing Education in Israa University Using Intelligent Tutoring System.Hasan A. Abu Hasanein & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (5):1-16.
    This study was conducted with the aim of developing the academic work in the Palestinian universities. No one can deny the technological stage that we are witnessing in the present era. Our mission is to use this development to develop the educational process. The Artificial Intelligence of the most important branches of computer science, which is interested in the development of computer software in order to make them simulate intelligent human, recently it emerged promised based on artificial intelligence applications are (...)
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  45. Self and pretence: Playing with identity.Leslie A. Howe - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (4):564-582.
    This paper considers the importance of play as a conventional space for hypothetical self-expression and self-trial, its importance for determination of identity, and for development of self-possibilities. Expanding such possibilities in play enables challenging of socially entrenched assumptions concerning possible and appropriate identities. Discussion is extended to the contexts of gender performance (drag) and sport-play. It is argued that play proceeds on the basis of a fundamental pretence of reality that must be taken seriously by its participants; this discussion includes (...)
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  46. Hell and the Problem of Evil.Andrei A. Buckareff & Allen Plug - 2014 - In Justin P. McBrayer & Daniel Howard-Snyder (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to The Problem of Evil. Wiley. pp. 128-143.
    The case is discussed for the doctrine of hell as posing a unique problem of evil for adherents to the Abrahamic religions who endorse traditional theism. The problem is particularly acute for those who accept retributivist formulations of the doctrine of hell according to which hell is everlasting punishment for failing to satisfy some requirement. Alternatives to retributivism are discussed, including the unique difficulties that each one faces.
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  47. Ludonarrative dissonance and dominant narratives.Leslie A. Howe - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (1):44-54.
    This paper explores ludonarrative dissonance as it occurs in sport, primarily as the conflict experienced by participants between dominant narratives and self-generated interpretations of embodied experience. Taking self-narrative as a social rather than isolated production, the interaction with three basic categories of dominant narrative is explored: transformative, representing a spectrum from revelatory to distorting, bullying and colonising. These forms of dominant narrative prescribe interpretations of the player’s experience of play and of self that displace their own, with the end result (...)
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  48. Proprioceptive Awareness and Practical Unity.Kathleen A. Howe - 2018 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 37 (3):65-81.
    Deafferented subjects, while lacking proprioceptive awareness of much of their bodies, are nevertheless able to use their bodies in basic action. Sustained visual contact with the body parts of which they are no longer proprioceptively aware enables them to move these parts in a controlled way. This might be taken to straightforwardly show that proprioceptive awareness is inessential to bodily action. I, however, argue that this is not the case. Proprioceptive awareness figures essentially in our self-conscious unity as practical subjects. (...)
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  49. Spectating games can be a form of gameplay.A. Declos - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    Watching other people play videogames —a.k.a. ‘spectator gaming’— is a widespread practice. Yet, it is considered by some as an inadequate form of engagement with games. In this paper, I show that the strongest objection to spectator gaming relies on the claim that some properties of videogames are better, if not exclusively, accessible to the player. After that, I propose two replies to this challenge. The first is that ‘secondary players’, i.e., individuals who indirectly take part in the game, can (...)
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  50. Re-Imagining Imagination: Revisiting Plato's Eikasia and Aristotle's Phantasia.M. A. Jalalum - 2023 - Lumina Journal 28 (1):3-21.
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