Results for 'Hristo A. Ganchev'

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  1. Naşterea lui Iisus Hristos.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Creștinii sărbătoresc nașterea lui Isus Hristos de către Fecioara Maria ca o împlinire a profeției mesianice din Vechiul Testament. Biblia conține două povestiri care descriu evenimentele din jurul nașterii lui Isus. În funcție de perspectiva fiecăruia, aceste povestiri sunt fie diferite una de cealaltă, fie spun două versiuni ale aceleiași narație. Aceste povestiri biblice se găsesc în Evanghelia după Matei, și anume Matei 01:18, și Evanghelia lui Luca, în special Luca 01:26 și 02:40. Conform acestor povestiri, Isus a fost născut (...)
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  2. Socrate, Platon şi Aristotel – „creştini înainte de Hristos”?Apostolache Ionita - 2020 - Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):102-124.
    Socrates, Plato and Aristotle – “Christians before Christ”? -/- The compatibility of ideas and metaphysical concepts, from Antic Philosophy to Christian Apologetic and Patristic Theology from the fist ages gather together many important and commune elements. In the study below, we have try to demonstrate that the most important philosopher of the antic world where “Christians before Christ”. Their ideas about soul, virtue, metaphysic existence and the entity of a single God comes to meet the Holy Gospel of Christ. Starting (...)
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  3. Semnificaţia teologică a Paştelui.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Noul Testament leagă Cina cea de taină și crucificarea lui Iisus de Paștele evreiesc și exodul din Egipt. Iisus s-a pregătit pe el însuși și pe discipolii săi pentru moartea sa în timpul Cinei, dând mesei de Paștele evreiesc un nou înțeles. El a identificat pâinea și cupa de vin ca simbolizând corpul său care va fi sacrificat curând și sângele său care urma să fie vărsat. În Prima Epistolă către Corinteni a Sfântului Apostol Pavel, Capitolul 5, el spune: “Curățiți (...)
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  4. Paşti (Paşte) - Cea mai importantă sărbătoare creştină.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2015 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Paştele este cea mai importantă sărbătoare religioasă din anul liturgic creştin. Creştinii cred că Iisus a fost înviat după trei zile de la crucificarea sa. Multe denominaţii creştine celebrează învierea sa în Ziua de Paşti sau Duminica Paştelui (denumită şi Ziua Învierii sau Duminica Învierii), la două zile după Sfânta Vineri. Orice altă sărbătoare religioasă din calendarul ortodox, inclusiv Crăciunul, este mai puţin importantă faţă de celebrarea Învierii lui Iisus Hristos. Acest lucru se reflectă în bogate obiceiuri pascale în ţările (...)
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  5. MISCELLANEA APOLOGETICĂ. Dialogul dintre Teologie şi Filosofie.Apostolache Ionita - 2024 - Craiova: Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Omul a căutat dintotdeauna să descopere în viața sa chintesența elementelor existențiale. Adunate laolaltă ca un imens puzzle cosmologic, întrebările Filosofiei au avut cel puțin capacitatea revelatoare a marilor problematizări în ascendența omului de la imanent la transcendent. Prima etapă notabilă în atingerea acestei performanțe îi este negreșit tributată „Filosofiei”, socotită de Platon drept „cea mai mare artă”. Mai concis, pornind de la termenul de artă (gr. μουσικη – lumea muzelor), ni se arată în mod inspirat că „Filosofia este cea (...)
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    Rolul Educaţiei Religioase În Formarea Personalităţii Umane.Nicolae Chira - 2015 - In Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur – Model de Dascăl Creştin. Bacău: Editura Casei Corpului Didactic. pp. 148-160.
    Educaţia religioasă îşi asumă rolul de călăuzitor către drumul cunoaşterii şi asemănării cu Dumnezeu, căutând ca Evanghelia lui Hristos să devină dreptarul vieţii prin îndreptarea voinţei şi aspiraţiilor numai spre înfăptuirea binelui şi a virtuţii, cultivarea conştiinţei, a demnităţii omului şi a valorilor sale unice.
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    Dialogul Creştino-Islamic.Ioan Filimon - 2013 - Altarul Reîntregirii 1 (3):325-334.
    Dialogul interreligios constituie o parte importantă a preocupărilor din timpurile noastre. Lucrarea de faţă încearcă să arate că dintru început, creştinii urmând imperativul Mântuitorului Hristos: „iubeşte pe aproapele tău ca pe tine însuţi”, au fost obligaţi să se afle în dialog cu oameni de alte convingeri religioase, dând mărturie despre conştiinţa de sine şi despre speranţele lor. Astfel, de-a lungul istoriei creştinii dezvoltă dialoguri interreligioase monoteiste cu islamul şi cu iudaismul. Creştinii s-a întâlnit cu Islamul şi a dialogat cu el (...)
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  8. Ortodoxia rusă între politică și evanghelie.Stan Petrescu - 2022 - Intelligence Info 1 (1):80-92.
    Creștinismul reprezintă una din cele trei mari religii monoteiste ale lumii ca număr de aderenți, aflându-se cu mult înaintea iudaismului și islamului, născându-se, istoricește vorbind, în prima jumătate a secolului I, când un mic grup de evrei palestinieni l-au identificat pe Mesia cu nimeni altul decât Isus Hristos din Nazaret. De-a lungul a două milenii de existență, creștinismul a evoluat și s-a extins în lume pe spații largi fiind, totodată, însoțit de stări de tensiune, crize, războaie religioase, schisme și conflicte (...)
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  9. Întunericul Luminos.Apostolache Ionița - 2019 - Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Taina sufletului omenesc, cuprins de setea după Dumnezeu și așezat în duhul rugăciunii, poartă întru sine o multitudine de valențe și trăiri duhovnicești, aproape cu neputință de exprimat în cuvinte. Cel zidit după „chipul lui Dumnezeu” Îl caută totdeauna pe Cel ce-i este cu adevărat Părinte (Abuno). Sfântul Apostol Pavel zugrăvește în cuvinte omenești Taina cea nepătrunsă de cuvânt a Cuvântului: „Cunosc un om în Hristos, care acum paisprezece ani – fie în trup, nu știu; fie în afară de trup, (...)
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  10. Crăciunul - Obiceiuri și tradiții.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2016 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Crăciunul este un festival anual de comemorare a nașterii lui Isus Hristos, datat în general la 25 decembrie ca o sărbătoare religioasă şi culturală celebrată de miliarde de oameni din întreaga lume. Sărbătoare centrală a anului liturgic creștin, Crăciunul închide sezonul Advent și inițiază cele douăsprezece zile ale Crăciunului, care se încheie după noapte a doisprezecea. Crăciunul este o sărbătoare legală în multe națiuni ale lumii, este sărbătorită cultural de un număr mare de oameni foști sau non-creștini, și este o (...)
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  11. Cerbul si Licorna. Psihanaliza fenomenului religios [EN: The Deer and The Unicorn. Psychoanalysis of The Religious Phenomenon].Alexandru Canda - 2022 - Targu Lapus: Galaxia Gutenberg.
    Una din gravurile Lambsprinck – Cerb și Licornă în pădure (De lapide philosophico figurae et emblemata, 1625) – prezintă întâlnirea alegorică dintre cerb și licornă ca simboluri alchimice ale sufletului și ale spiritului. Aceste simboluri se descoperă nu doar ca arhetipuri revelatoare pentru psihanaliza jungiană, ci și ca perspective esențiale și complementare de abordare fenomenologică a suferindului: psihoterapeutică și spirituală. Asemeni lui Iov care e scufundat cu sens în suferință și răzbire, și bolnavului îi trebuie asociat un sens al suferinței (...)
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  12. What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You?John A. Barker - 1976 - American Philosophical Quarterly 13 (4):303 - 308.
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  13. Expert System for Chest Pain in Infants and Children.Randa A. Khella & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 1 (4):138-148.
    Chest pain is the pain felt in the chest by infants, children and adolescents. In most cases the pain is not associated with the heart. It is mainly recognized by the observance or report of pain by the infant, child or adolescent by reports of distress by parents or care givers. Chest pain is not unusual in children. Lots of children are seen in ambulatory clinics, emergency rooms and hospitals and cardiology clinics. Usually there is a benign cause for the (...)
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  14. BE AWARE MGA SUKI: PRACTICES OF FOOD SAFETY AND APPROPRIATE HYGIENE AMONG SIDEWALK VENDORS IN BALAYAN, BATANGAS.Chinee F. Tolentino, Diane G. Alindugan, Paula Bianca D. Castillo, Lyza Mae M. De Sagun, Jzel N. Macalindong, Cherish R. Rivera & Jowenie A. Mangarin - 2024 - Get International Research Journal 2 (1):102–132.
    This study emphasizes the importance of enhancing food safety and hygiene practices among sidewalk vendors to safeguard public health in Balayan Public Market. Employing a mixed-methods approach, with both quantitative and qualitative components, a diverse sample of 55 consumers, 5 sidewalk vendors, and 5 market administrators was selected using a combination of purposive and random sampling techniques under non-probability sampling. Microbial investigations were conducted during both the initial sampling and testing phase (A) and subsequent sampling and testing phase (B) on (...)
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  15. Performance Efficiency of University Education from Students Perspective.Samia A. M. Abdalmenem, Rasha O. Owda, Amal A. Al Hila, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (11):10-24.
    The study aims to identify the efficiency of the university education performance from the perspective of postgraduate and undergraduate students in international and Palestinian universities. The analytical descriptive approach was used for this purpose and the questionnaire was used as a main tool for data collection. The study community consists of: post graduate students, (23850) graduate students and (146355) undergraduate students. The sample of the study was 378 graduate students and 383 undergraduate students. The random stratified sample was used. The (...)
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  16. Subjective Facts about Consciousness.Martin A. Lipman - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10:530-553.
    The starting point of this paper is the thought that the phenomenal appearances that accompany mental states are somehow only there, or only real, from the standpoint of the subject of those mental states. The world differs across subjects in terms of which appearances obtain. Not only are subjects standpoints across which the world varies, subjects are standpoints that we can ‘adopt’ in our own theorizing about the world (or stand back from). The picture that is suggested by these claims (...)
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    Bản tin giáo dục đại học năm 2020.V. H. E. A. R. Team - 2020 - Nghiên Cứu Đề Xuất Các Giải Pháp Nâng Cao Chất Lượng Nguồn Nhân Lực Việt Nam Trong Cơ Chế Thị Trường.
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  18. How place shapes the aspirations of hope: the allegory of the privileged and the underprivileged.Victor Counted & David A. Newheiser - 2023 - Journal of Positive Psychology 2023.
    We articulate a holistic understanding of hope, going beyond the common conceptualization of hope in terms of positive affect and cognition by considering what hope means for the underprivileged. In the recognition that hope is always situated in a particular place, we explore the perspective of the privileged and the underprivileged, clarifying how spatial contexts shape their goals for the future and their agency toward attaining these goals. Where some people experience precarity due to their disability, race, gender, sexuality, and (...)
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  19. The Auditory Field: The Spatial Character of Auditory Experience.Keith A. Wilson - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9 (40):1080-1106.
    It is widely accepted that there is a visual field, but the analogous notion of an auditory field is rejected by many philosophers on the grounds that the metaphysics or phenomenology of audition lack the necessary spatial or phenomenological structure. In this paper, I argue that many of the common objections to the existence of an auditory field are misguided and that, contrary to a tradition of philosophical scepticism about the spatiality of auditory experience, it is as richly spatial as (...)
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  20. Eugenics Undefended.Robert A. Wilson - 2019 - Monash Bioethics Review 37 (1-2):68-75.
    This is a critical response to "Defending Eugenics", published in MBR in 2018.
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  21. Can Hinge Epistemology Close the Door on Epistemic Relativism?Oscar A. Piedrahita - 2021 - Synthese (1-2):1-27.
    I argue that a standard formulation of hinge epistemology is host to epistemic relativism and show that two leading hinge approaches (Coliva’s acceptance account and Pritchard’s nondoxastic account) are vulnerable to a form of incommensurability that leads to relativism. Building on both accounts, I introduce a new, minimally epistemic conception of hinges that avoids epistemic relativism and rationally resolves hinge disagreements. According to my proposed account, putative cases of epistemic incommensurability are rationally resolvable: hinges are propositions that are the objects (...)
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  22. Narrative Explanations of Action. Narrative Identity with Minimal Requirements.Deniz A. Kaya - 2023 - Journal of Value Inquiry 57 (4):719-735.
    In On Not Expecting Too Much from Narrative, Lamarque (2004) challenges theories of narrative identity. For while narrativity might tell us something of interest about our selves, the requirements for this would be so strong that theories of narrative identity would not be able to meet them. In contrast, he identifies minimal conditions for narrativity, so that our identity could be of a narrative nature as well. But in that case, the concept of narrativity would be so weak that it (...)
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  23. Students’ Evaluation of Faculty-Prepared Instructional Modules: Inferences for Instructional Materials Review and Revision.Lovina A. Hamora, Merline B. Rabaya, Jupeth Pentang, Aylene D. Pizaña & Mary Jane D. Gamozo - 2022 - Journal of Education, Management and Development Studies 2 (2):20-29.
    Academic institutions migrated to modular teaching-learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure the quality of the pedagogical innovations employed, the study determined the students’ evaluation of the faculty prepared instructional modules for the courses they enrolled in during the first and second semesters of Academic Year 2020-2021. Employing a descriptive-correlational research design, the study was participated by 644 students from three colleges who were then available during the data gathering. Data gathered through online surveys were then analyzed using descriptive statistics (...)
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  24. References.John Bengson & Marc A. Moffett - 2011 - In John Bengson & Marc A. Moffett (eds.), Knowing How: Essays on Knowledge, Mind, and Action. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 361-386.
    This compilation of references includes all references for the knowledge-how chapters included in Bengson & Moffett's edited volume. The volume and the compilation of references may serve as a good starting point for people who are unfamiliar with the philosophical literature on knowledge-how.
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    Grace A. de Laguna’s Theory of Universals: A Powers Ontology of Properties and Modality.A. R. J. Fisher - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):39-48.
    In this paper I examine Grace A. de Laguna’s theory of universals in its historical context and in relation to contemporary debates in analytic metaphysics. I explain the central features of her theory, arguing that her theory should be classified as a form of immanent realism and as a powers ontology. I then show in what ways her theory affords a theory of modality in terms of potentialities and discuss some of its consequences along the way.
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  26. The influence of global intellectualization on human development.Sergii Sardak & A. Samoilenko S. Sardak - 2019 - Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Economic Sciences, 1:176-182.
    In the context of the global intellectualization, human capital is the determining factor in the innovation development and the international competitiveness of countries. In the XXI century. the leading component of human capital are qualitatively new information, communication and network technologies. Particular importance are education and training, professionalism, high level of human resources management, building up, reproduction and human capital development. These factors are the prerequisite for the growth of the competitive advantages of the country in the conditions of globalization.
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  27. Early completion of occluded objects.Ronald A. Rensink & James T. Enns - 1998 - Vision Research 38:2489-2505.
    We show that early vision can use monocular cues to rapidly complete partially-occluded objects. Visual search for easily detected fragments becomes difficult when the completed shape is similar to others in the display; conversely, search for fragments that are difficult to detect becomes easy when the completed shape is distinctive. Results indicate that completion occurs via the occlusion-triggered removal of occlusion edges and linking of associated regions. We fail to find evidence for a visible filling-in of contours or surfaces, but (...)
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  28. Newton on active and passive quantities of matter.Adwait A. Parker - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 84:1-11.
    Newton published his deduction of universal gravity in Principia (first ed., 1687). To establish the universality (the particle-to-particle nature) of gravity, Newton must establish the additivity of mass. I call ‘additivity’ the property a body's quantity of matter has just in case, if gravitational force is proportional to that quantity, the force can be taken to be the sum of forces proportional to each particle's quantity of matter. Newton's argument for additivity is obscure. I analyze and assess manuscript versions of (...)
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  29. Supreme Mathematics: The Five Percenter Model of Divine Self-Realization and Its Commonalities to Interpretations of the Pythagorean Tetractys in Western Esotericism.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2023 - Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 1 (1):1-22.
    This contribution aims to explore the historical predecessors of the Five Percenter model of self-realization, as popularized by Hip Hop artists such as Supreme Team, Rakim Allah, Brand Nubian, Wu-Tang Clan, or Sunz of Man. As compared to frequent considerations of the phenomenon as a creative mythological background for a socio-political struggle, Five Percenter teachings shall be discussed as contemporary interpretations of historical models of self-realization in various philosophical, religious, and esoteric systems. By putting the coded system of the tenfold (...)
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  30. Perception and Attention.Ronald A. Rensink - 2013 - In Daniel Reisberg (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology. Oup Usa. pp. 97-116.
    Our visual experience of the world is one of diverse objects and events, each with particular colors, shapes, and motions. This experience is so coherent, so immediate, and so effortless that it seems to result from a single system that lets us experience everything in our field of view. But however appealing, this belief is mistaken: there are severe limits on what can be visually experienced. -/- For example, in a display for air-traffic control it is important to track all (...)
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  31. Aristotle on the Objects of Perception.Mark A. Johnstone - 2022 - In Caleb Cohoe (ed.), Aristotle's on the Soul: A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 155-173.
    In De Anima II.6, Aristotle divides the objects of perception into three kinds: “special perceptibles" (idia aisthêta) such as colours, sounds and flavours, which can be perceived in their own right by only one sense; “common perceptibles" (koina aisthêta) such as shapes, sizes and movements, which can be perceived in their own right by multiple senses; and “incidental perceptibles,” such as the son of Diares, which can be perceived only “incidentally” (kata sumbebêkos). In this paper, I examine this division of (...)
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    Philosophy.Robert A. Wilson - 1999 - In Robert Andrew Wilson & Frank C. Keil (eds.), MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press.
    This is the introductory essay for the 80 or so philosophy articles in MITECS, covering philosophy's contribution to the cognitive sciences.
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    Philosophy.Robert A. Wilson - 1999 - In Robert Andrew Wilson & Frank C. Keil (eds.), MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press.
    The areas of philosophy that contribute to the cognitive sciences are various, including the philosophy of mind, language, and science. This introduction to the 80 or so philosophy articles in MITECS provides an overview of that contribution.
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  34. Evidence of Evidence as Higher Order Evidence.Anna-Maria A. Eder & Peter Brössel - 2019 - In Mattias Skipper & Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen (eds.), Higher-Order Evidence: New Essays. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 62-83.
    In everyday life and in science we acquire evidence of evidence and based on this new evidence we often change our epistemic states. An assumption underlying such practice is that the following EEE Slogan is correct: 'evidence of evidence is evidence' (Feldman 2007, p. 208). We suggest that evidence of evidence is best understood as higher-order evidence about the epistemic state of agents. In order to model evidence of evidence we introduce a new powerful framework for modelling epistemic states, Dyadic (...)
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  35. Is Laughing at Morally Oppressive Jokes Like Being Disgusted by Phony Dog Feces? An Analysis of Belief and Alief in the Context of Questionable Humor.Chris A. Kramer - 2022 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 3 (1):179-207.
    In two very influential papers from 2008, Tamar Gendler introduced the concept of “alief” to describe the mental state one is in when acting in ways contrary to their consciously professed beliefs. For example, if asked to eat what they know is fudge, but shaped into the form of dog feces, they will hesitate, and behave in a manner that would be consistent with the belief that the fudge is really poop. They alieve that it is disgusting, while they believe (...)
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    Spectating games can be a form of gameplay.A. Declos - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    Watching other people play videogames —a.k.a. ‘spectator gaming’— is a widespread practice. Yet, it is considered by some as an inadequate form of engagement with games. In this paper, I show that the strongest objection to spectator gaming relies on the claim that some properties of videogames are better, if not exclusively, accessible to the player. After that, I propose two replies to this challenge. The first is that ‘secondary players’, i.e., individuals who indirectly take part in the game, can (...)
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  37. COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal and Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources.Govind Persad & Emily A. Largent - 2022 - JAMA Health Forum 3 (4):e220356.
    When hospitals face surges of patients with COVID-19, fair allocation of scarce medical resources remains a challenge. Scarcity has at times encompassed not only hospital and intensive care unit beds—often reflecting staffing shortages—but also therapies and intensive treatments. Safe, highly effective COVID-19 vaccines have been free and widely available since mid-2021, yet many Americans remain unvaccinated by choice. Should their decision to forgo vaccination be considered when allocating scarce resources? Some have suggested it should, while others disagree. We offer a (...)
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  38. Algorithmic Randomness and Probabilistic Laws.Jeffrey A. Barrett & Eddy Keming Chen - manuscript
    We consider two ways one might use algorithmic randomness to characterize a probabilistic law. The first is a generative chance* law. Such laws involve a nonstandard notion of chance. The second is a probabilistic* constraining law. Such laws impose relative frequency and randomness constraints that every physically possible world must satisfy. While each notion has virtues, we argue that the latter has advantages over the former. It supports a unified governing account of non-Humean laws and provides independently motivated solutions to (...)
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  39. An objection of varying importance to epistemic utility theory.Benjamin A. Levinstein - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (11):2919-2931.
    Some propositions are more epistemically important than others. Further, how important a proposition is is often a contingent matter—some propositions count more in some worlds than in others. Epistemic Utility Theory cannot accommodate this fact, at least not in any standard way. For EUT to be successful, legitimate measures of epistemic utility must be proper, i.e., every probability function must assign itself maximum expected utility. Once we vary the importance of propositions across worlds, however, normal measures of epistemic utility become (...)
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  40. The Meta-Dynamic Nature of Consciousness.John A. Barnden - 2020 - Entropy 22.
    How, if at all, consciousness can be part of the physical universe remains a baffling problem. This article outlines a new, developing philosophical theory of how it could do so, and offers a preliminary mathematical formulation of a physical grounding for key aspects of the theory. Because the philosophical side has radical elements, so does the physical-theory side. The philosophical side is radical, first, in proposing that the productivity or dynamism in the universe that many believe to be responsible for (...)
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  41. Ethnobiology, the Ontological Turn, and Human Sociality.Robert A. Wilson & Lucia C. Neco - 2023 - Journal of Ethnobiology 43 (3):198-207.
    The ontological turn (OT) is a loose cluster of theoretical approaches within cultural anthropology that advocates a synthetic, overarching way forward for ethnographically oriented cultural anthropology. We argue that in order to contribute substantively to ethnobiology the OT needs to distance itself from a long-standing tradition of thinking within ethnography that assumes some kind of fundamental divide between the natural and the social sciences. This distancing seems especially unlikely in light of the meta-anthropological nature of the OT as primarily a (...)
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  42. The Level of Enhancing the Competitive Advantage of Training Institutions in Palestine.Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Suliman A. El Talla & Mahmoud T. Al Najjar - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR) 7 (7):96-104.
    :The study aimed to identify the level of enhancing the competitive advantage of training institutions in Palestine. The study used the descriptive analytical approach. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data that contribute to achieving the objectives of the study. The study population consists of workers in training institutions operating in the southern Palestinian governorates. The random sample for data collection, where (90) applicable questionnaires were retrieved. The results of the study showed that the general estimate for the competitive (...)
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  43. Emergent Mental Properties are Not Just Double-Preventers.Andrei A. Buckareff & Jessica Hawkins - 2023 - Synthese 202 (2):1-22.
    We examine Sophie Gibb’s emergent property-dualist theory of mental causation as double-prevention. Her account builds on a commitment to a version of causal realism based on a powers metaphysic. We consider three objections to her account. We show, by drawing out the implications of the ontological commitments of Gibb’s theory of mental causation, that the first two objections fail. But, we argue, owing to worries about cases where there is no double-preventive role to be played by mental properties, her account, (...)
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  44. The Stochastic-Quantum Theorem.Jacob A. Barandes - manuscript
    This paper introduces several new classes of mathematical structures that have close connections with physics and with the theory of dynamical systems. The most general of these structures, called generalized stochastic systems, collectively encompass many important kinds of stochastic processes, including Markov chains and random dynamical systems. This paper then states and proves a new theorem that establishes a precise correspondence between any generalized stochastic system and a unitarily evolving quantum system. This theorem therefore leads to a new formulation of (...)
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  45. Of course the baby should live: Against 'after-birth abortion'.Regina A. Rini - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (5):353-356.
    In a recent paper, Giubilini and Minerva argue for the moral permissibility of what they call ‘after-birth abortion’, or infanticide. Here I suggest that they actually employ a confusion of two distinct arguments: one relying on the purportedly identical moral status of a fetus and a newborn, and the second giving an independent argument for the denial of moral personhood to infants (independent of whatever one might say about fetuses). After distinguishing these arguments, I suggest that neither one is capable (...)
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  46. On Tools Making Minds: an Archaeological Perspective on Human Cognitive Evolution.Karenleigh A. Overmann & Thomas Wynn - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (1-2):39-58.
    Using a model of cognition as extended and enactive, we examine the role of materiality in making minds as exemplified by lithics and writing, forms associated with conceptual thought and meta-awareness of conceptual domains. We address ways in which brain functions may change in response to interactions with material forms, the attributes of material forms that may cause such change, and the spans of time required for neurofunctional reorganization. We also offer three hypotheses for investigating co-influence and change in cognition (...)
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  47. Libertarianism and agentive experience.Justin A. Capes - 2023 - Philosophical Issues 33 (1):33-44.
    Libertarianism about free will conjoins the thesis that free will requires indeterminism with the thesis that we have free will. Here the claim that we have experiential evidence for the libertarian position is assessed. It is argued that, on a straightforward reading, the claim is false, for our experiences as agents don't support the claim that free will requires indeterminism. However, our experiences as agents may still have a role to play in an overall case for libertarianism, insofar as they (...)
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  48. Javelli and the Reception of the Scotist System of Distinctions in Renaissance Thomism.Claus A. Andersen - 2023 - In Tommaso De Robertis & Luca Burzelli (eds.), Chrysostomus Javelli: Pagan Philosophy and Christian Thought in the Renaissance. Springer Verlag. pp. 143-167.
    This chapter uncovers a less investigated aspect of the relationship between the two most important scholastic schools of the Renaissance, Thomism and Scotism: the influence of Scotist literature on distinctions as seen in some sixteenth-century Thomists. The chapter has a primary focus on Chrysostomus Javelli’s engagement in his discussion of divine attributes with the Scotist doctrine of distinctions, but also considers other Thomist sources. First, the beginnings of the highly specialised Scotist literature on distinctions are traced back to the start (...)
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  49. Explaining Explanation.Robert A. Wilson & Frank C. Keil - 2000 - In Frank C. Keil & Robert A. Wilson (eds.), Explanation and Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 1-18.
    It is not a particularly hard thing to want or seek explanations. In fact, explanations seem to be a large and natural part of our cognitive lives. Children ask why and how questions very early in development and seem genuinely to want some sort of answer, despite our often being poorly equipped to provide them at the appropriate level of sophistication and detail. We seek and receive explanations in every sphere of our adult lives, whether it be to understand why (...)
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  50. The American Founding Documents and Democratic Social Change: A Constructivist Grounded Theory.A. I. Forde & Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Dissertation, Walden University
    Existing social disparities in the United States are inconsistent with the promise of democracy; therefore, there was a need for critical conceptualization of the first principles that undergird American democracy and the genesis of democratic social change in America. This constructivist grounded theory study aimed to construct a grounded theory that provides an understanding of the process of American democratic social change as it emerged from the nation’s founding documents. A post hoc polytheoretical framework including Foucault’s, Bourdieu’s, and Marx and (...)
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